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Quick Warning Signs That Your Water Softener Needs Repair

Water Softener Repair in Kitchener

Similar to various components within our homes, the water softener we utilize will eventually require replacement to maintain optimal performance and efficiency. With the passage of time and based on your usage habits, your water softener will degrade and necessitate a replacement. If you wait too long to invest in a new softener, you might have water that is virtually the same as the water that would be flowing from your taps anyways, and the symptoms of hard water will start to appear. In this blog, we’ll be exploring some of the signs that it’s time for your house to replace your water softener. Dishes that won’t get clean If your dishes still appear to have spots on them after you’ve washed them in the sink or in the dishwasher, there’s a chance that your water is too hard. If your water has been softened properly, your dishes should be easy to clean and should still appear completely clean after they’ve been dried. Your skin itches Should you experience skin itchiness, it could indicate the presence of soap scum lingering on the surface, not effectively rinsed away during your shower. This is just another symptom that you have hard water and your machine isn’t working properly. Skin that hasn’t been properly rinsed can also get a rash or feel like it has a film on the surface. Age If your water softener is old, it might be time to replace it. Older systems are still regenerating based on the same schedule you might have set a decade ago, but newer water softeners are designed to regenerate softened water as you need it. This type of regeneration is called demand initiated regeneration, and it’s much more convenient for homeowners who don’t want to have to be stuck on a schedule. Opting for the replacement of your water softener can offer both increased convenience and efficiency.  It’s too big Older and outdated water softeners are often quite bulky, taking up a considerable amount of space in your home. A twin tank system, for example, might eat up space that could be used for something else. Changing to a more modern system, like a single-cabinet system, can free up valuable space.  Laundry issues Hard water can also impact laundry. If your clothes still feel scratchy and stiff after washing, it’s a sign you might need to replace your water softener. Fabric softener can make a difference, but hard water can still damage your plumbing and appliances over time.  Buildup around pipes and faucets Hard water has more mineral content than softened water, leading to noticeable crusty buildup around faucets and pipes. When cleaning plumbing fixtures, check for signs of mineral buildup or staining. If you notice any, have your water softener assessed to determine if replacement is necessary. Strange taste Hard water tastes slightly different than soft water. If you notice any changes in the taste of your water, don’t dismiss them. If you’re drinking tap water that has not been treated beyond softening and notice any variation in taste, your water might be hardening after you got used to tasting soft water. Recognizing these signs and taking prompt action to replace your water softener will not only ensure the continued supply of soft water but also prevent potential damage to your appliances and plumbing. Regular maintenance and timely replacements are key to keeping your water softener working at its best, providing you with the benefits of softened water for years to come. So, in such a scenario if you are looking for an efficient water softner repair in Kitchener, Air and Water Care will be the best destination for seeking prompt solution.